MFA Number Matching

MFA Number Matching

Microsoft MFA now includes “number matching” to combat MFA fatique! “Number Matching” or “OTP (One-Time Password) Code Matching” in Microsoft’s Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) system can now be configured to require users to...
Highest Cyber Security Risks of 2023

Highest Cyber Security Risks of 2023

Highest Cyber Security Risks that organisations face in 2023 Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware continues to be a significant threat in 2023. Cybercriminals use sophisticated techniques to infiltrate systems, encrypt data, and demand ransom payments in exchange for...
Top 5 Microsoft 365 Misconceptions

Top 5 Microsoft 365 Misconceptions

Myth 1 – Microsoft 365 is automatically backed up? Put simply, no. Microsoft 365 platform is extremely resilient and there is no real concern that Microsoft will lose your data through a hardware or service failure. However, emails that you delete (accidentally or on...